Beylikdüzü ProjectsBlogIstanbul Properties by Districts

Elit Life: Luxurious Living for the Whole Family in Istanbul

Elit Life is a luxurious residential project located in the upscale family neighborhood of Beylikdüzü, on the vibrant Adnan Kahveci Street. The project is characterized by its very large spaces that satisfy large families, in addition to its stunning views of the sea.

Spacious Apartments for Large Families

Elit Life: Luxurious Living for the Whole Family in Istanbul

Elit Life offers a variety of spacious apartment types to choose from, ranging from 2+1 to 5+1 units. All apartments are finished to the highest standards, with modern amenities and high-quality materials. The project’s spacious living spaces are perfect for large families, providing ample room to relax and entertain.

Stunning Views of the Sea

Many of the apartments at Elit Life offer stunning views of the sea, providing residents with a breathtaking panorama of the Istanbul skyline. The project’s location on Adnan Kahveci Street also offers residents easy access to the beach and other waterfront amenities.

Surrounded by All the Services You Need

Elit Life: Luxurious Living for the Whole Family in Istanbul

Elit Life is surrounded by all the services that a family dreams of, including schools of all types, restaurants, cafes, hospitals, and malls. Perla Vista Mall is just a five-minute walk from the project, providing residents with easy access to shopping, dining, and entertainment options.

Why Choose Elit Life?

Elit Life: Luxurious Living for the Whole Family in Istanbul

Elit Life is the perfect choice for families looking for a luxurious lifestyle in Istanbul. The project offers everything you need for a comfortable and enjoyable life, including spacious apartments, stunning views of the sea, and easy access to all the services you need.

Developer / Construction Company: Elit İnşaat

District: Beylikduzu


Project Statue: Ready

Title Deed: Ready

Number of blocks: 4

Number of units: 305

Unit Types: 2+1 , 3+1


TypeSize (M2)Min. PriceMax. Price
2+1184 – 189$502,000$567,000
3+1226 – 230$552,000$720,000

Payment Plan: Cash

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