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Turkish Citizenship by Real Estate Investment: A Comprehensive Guide

How to get Turkish citizenship with real estate investment

Turkish citizenship by real estate investment is one of the most popular and affordable ways to obtain a second passport. With a minimum investment of $400,000 USD with a commitment to keep the property for at least 3 years, you and your family can become Turkish citizens in as little as 6-8 months.

This program is particularly attractive to investors who are looking for a stable and growing economy, as well as a high quality of life. Turkey is a beautiful country with a rich history and culture, and it is also strategically located between Europe and Asia.

Benefits of Turkish citizenship


There are many benefits to becoming a Turkish citizen, including:

  • Visa-free travel to over 72 countries: Turkey has a strong visa waiver program, which allows Turkish citizens to travel to over 72 countries without a visa, to 40 countries with visa on arrival and 7 countries with online visa.
  • Access to education and healthcare: Turkish citizens have access to high-quality education and healthcare at affordable prices.
  • Right to live and work in Turkey: Turkish citizens have the right to live and work in Turkey without any restrictions.
  • Ability to pass on citizenship to children: Turkish citizenship can be passed on to children who are born after the parents become Turkish citizens.

How to apply for Turkish citizenship by real estate investment

Turkish Citizenship by Real Estate Investment

To apply for Turkish citizenship by real estate investment, you must first purchase real estate in Turkey valued at at least $400,000 USD. The real estate can be residential or commercial, and it can be located anywhere in Turkey.

Once you have purchased the real estate the lawyer will start the citizenship process which will include getting you an investor residency permit then submit all the documents for Turkish citizenship.

Who will Get the Turkish Citizenship?

The Investor , his/her partner and all the children under 18 years old.

What are the required documents to obtain Turkish citizenship?

  • A copy of your real estate purchase title deed
  • A copy of your valuation report
  • A copy of your and your family members passports
  • A copy of your birth certificate
  • A copy of your marriage certificate (if applicable)
  • A copy of your family members birth certificates
  • Four passport photos for each family member

Your citizenship application will be reviewed by the Turkish government. Once your application is approved, you will be granted Turkish citizenship and you will be issued a Turkish passport. You can always follow your application through this link:

Tips for getting Turkish citizenship by real estate investment

Turkish Citizenship by Real Estate Investment

Here are a few tips for getting Turkish citizenship by real estate investment:

  • Work with a reputable real estate agent: A good real estate agent can help you find the right property for your needs and budget, and they can also help you with the legal aspects of the purchase process.
  • Make sure the property meets the investment requirement: The property you purchase must be valued at at least $400,000 USD in order to be eligible for Turkish citizenship by real estate investment.
  • Obtain a valuation report from a government-approved appraiser: This report is required to prove that the property meets the investment requirement.
  • Gather all of the required documents for your citizenship application: Make sure you have all of the required documents before you submit your citizenship application. This will help to ensure that your application is processed quickly and efficiently.


Turkish citizenship by real estate investment is a great way to obtain a second passport and enjoy all of the benefits that come with it. If you are interested in applying for Turkish citizenship by real estate investment, be sure to work with a reputable real estate agent and gather all of the required documents before you submit your application.

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